Stochastic Simulation
Søren Asmussen and 1 more
Not Available
Wave Propagation and Time Reversal in Randomly Layered Media
JeanPierre Fouque
Controlled Diffusion Processes
N V Krylov
Statistical Estimation
IA Ibragimov and 1 more
Optimization—Theory and Applications
L Cesari
Stochastic Integration and Differential Equations
Philip Protter
Adaptive Algorithms and Stochastic Approximations
Albert Benveniste and 2 more
Elements of Queueing Theory
Francois Baccelli and 1 more
F Baccelli and 1 more
Image Analysis, Random Fields and Dynamic Monte Carlo Methods
Gerhard Winkler
Image Analysis, Random Fields and Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods
A Probabilistic Theory of Pattern Recognition
Luc Devroye and 2 more
Martingale Methods in Financial Modelling
Marek Musiela and 1 more
Continuous-Time Markov Chains and Applications
George Yin and 1 more
Stochastic Processes in Queueing Theory
Alexandr Borovkov
Random Walks in the Quarter-Plane
Guy Fayolle and 2 more
Two-Scale Stochastic Systems
Yuri Kabanov and 1 more
Average-Cost Control of Stochastic Manufacturing Systems
Suresh P Sethi and 2 more
Stochastic Ordinary and Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
P Kotelenez
Continuous-Time Stochastic Control and Optimization With Financial Applications
Huyên Pham
Stochastic Stability of Differential Equations
R Z Khasminskii and 2 more
Rafail Khasminskii
Discretization of Processes
Jean Jacod and 1 more
Stochastic Differential Equations, Backward SDEs, Partial Differential Equations
Etienne Pardoux and 1 more
Optimal Stopping Rules
Albert N Shiryaev